
Sunday, September 11, 2011

A Dog's Breakfast..... finished.

This was never going to be a satisfying project once I realized the instructions 

were wrong!

See- No 3 says 'Choose a different print....' It should have said 'a same print'!!!

I am also SO over 'improvisational' piecing! 

All that piecing, pressing, cutting took SO long!

All for a quilt top, that to me, still looks a mess....

I tried to like it but honestly, I am not feeling the love.

I think I will finish it with a light batting....

for a work mate who is having a summer baby.

Or maybe I will just donate it to charity...

In the meantime it's being packed away....

Maybe the quilt fairies will work their magic on it and turn this Cinderella into a 

beautiful princess!

My thoughts today turn to the sad events of 9/11/01


Mary said...

Oh doesn't that just make you scream! It is awful when instructions are wrong. Not only does it ruin the project but the wasted fabric, time and energy. I am so sorry :(

Mrs Flying Blind... said...

What a pain when it isn't your fault! I would send pictures to the publisher - there should be compensation for this kind of thing!!

Frances Leate said...

I currently have part of a quilt top stashed under my cutting table waiting for those inspirational fairies you mentioned - if you find them sent them up my way. Its always good to extend yourself with something different. Take care

Leanne said...

I do like the colours and I am not much of a purple person. If you still cannot like it, I agree, give it away, and move on.

Rachaeldaisy said...

I'm proud of you for not feeling the love but persevering anyway. I really like how you've set the blocks with the border. and the name makes me laugh so much!!

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